Research & Innovation

Empowering change through innovative, human-centric research

Empowering change through innovative, human-centric research

Empowering change through innovative, human-centric research

Drawing on the challenges that matter to our clients and the wider community, our research uncovers essential knowledge underpinning the development of cutting-edge practices and solutions that generate business and societal value. By harnessing the extensive experience of its multidisciplinary team of researchers, EMPRACTIS participates in European (e.g. Horizon Europe) and national funding programs for research and innovation.

Our impact

We uncover new opportunities that advance the area of risk and crisis management, resilience building and governance, and we build solutions that shape the future of those fields. Steered by holistic and systemic insights, we tackle the challenges that underpin various, vital societal functions. 

Acknowledging the need for blending multiple voices around technologies development, we bring user-centric approaches for capturing end-users needs and fostering innovation co-creation. Human empowerment, and human factor in general, is the driving force of our research trajectory, and all the solutions we deliver have human-oriented end states.


Food, Bioeconomy, Natural Resources, Agriculture and Environment

Food, Bioeconomy, Natural Resources, Agriculture and Environment

Climate, Energy, Mobility


Food, Bioeconomy, Natural Resources, Agriculture and Environment

Climate, Energy and Mobility

Portfolio of projects
