
Streamlining permits for industry success.

EMPRACTIS provides a full range of services designed to help businesses manage the intricate landscape of licensing and regulatory compliance. We in-depth analyse various permit prerequisites, ensuring a smooth route to acquiring permits for manufacturing activities and energy projects.

Business Licensing Roadmap

We conduct in-depth investigations into the licensing requirements for manufacturing. We create comprehensive roadmaps evaluating environmental compliance, regulations related to major accidents, fire safety, construction and building prerequisites, as well as considerations for coastal development.

Installation, Building and Operation Permits

We facilitate the process of obtaining installation notification/installation approval (installation permits), building approval and building permit, notification of operation/approval of operation (permits to operate), ensuring your operations are compliant and authorized.

Natural Gas Licensing

Our services include the preparation of pre-feasibility technical studies, technical dossiers and representation to authorities for the acquisition of Independent Natural Gas System (INGS) License.

Coastal Development

Our services include the preparation of pre-feasibility technical studies, technical dossiers and representation to authorities for the acquisition of Independent Natural Gas System (INGS) License.

Land Uses

We thoroughly investigate the permitted land uses for selecting the most appropriate sites for the industrial projects according to urban/town planning, environmental and safety criteria.

Our Services

Route and Installation Permit of the onshore high pressure natural gas pipeline of Dioriga Gas Independent Natural Gas System

SILK OIL Chania Fuel Depot. Issue of permit for offshore facilities and facilities located in the public land near seashore -Concession of the Right to Use the Seashore Public Property Authority of the Regional Real Estate Service

Technical and Managerial Permit Advisor for the issue of Installation Permit for Dioriga LNG Terminal Project.
-Development of Technical Studies according to Technical Regulation No. Δ3 / Α / 4303 ΠΕ 26510 “Natural gas transmission systems with Maximum Operating Pressure over 16 bar”

Coral (ex. Shell) Chania Fuel Depot. Issue of permit for offshore facilities and facilities located in the public land near seashore -Concession of the Right to Use the Seashore Public Property Authority of the Regional Real Estate Service